
Saturday, October 31, 2015

All the Light

I am reading All the Light We Cannot See, by Anthony Doerr, for book group. Hastening toward the ending. All the light here, on All Hallows' Eve, is yellow from the leaves or greeny blue, like the book cover, from the still-green leaves and the rainy weather. I am wearing my "costume"--an orange shirt with the black inscription, "This is my costume"--in preparation for the trick-or-treaters. It's the same shirt I wore to work yesterday, but with different pants and a different black shirt underneath, and new underwear (TMI). I am clean and thus vaguely hallowed.

Once again, I apologize for the long absence from this blog. I plead busy. And a midlife dedication to organization, cleaning out, recycling, regrouping, getting my head on straight. Yes, it's a bit like twisting a Jack-o-lantern, and sometimes with a similar grimace. Laundry, sorting of papers, burning of some. Why speak of work on a Slattern Day in the blog?

I am woefully behind in submissions. Some of you know I have attempted yearly to obtain 100 rejections, a fun way of assuring more than 100 submissions. This year I'm down to 5, with 3 rejections and 2 responses pending. It's much easier for a math-challenged person like me. I do have a chapbook forthcoming, but it seems suspended...and may forever be forthcoming. We'll see, won't we? Or...we cannot see.