


Postcards to the World (within Poetry East #104, Spring 2022)
$10 at Ryburn Place, 305 Pine St., Normal, IL 61761 (along old Route 66)

Spiritual Midwifery, (Red Bird Chapbooks, 2019)
$12 at Red Bird Chapbooks website
and at Ryburn Place, 305 Pine St., Normal, IL on Route 66

The Towns (Unicorn Press, 2018)
$10 (softcover) at Unicorn & readings,
and at Ryburn Place, 305 Pine St., Normal, IL on Route 66
$18 (hardcover) at Unicorn Press

ABCs of Women's Work
(Red Bird Chapbooks, 2015)
$12 at Red Bird Chapbooks website
$10 at readings
and at Ryburn Place, 305 Pine St., Normal, IL on Route 66

Interior Sculpture: Poems in the Voice of Camille Claudel (Dancing Girl Press, 2014)
$7 + shipping at Dancing Girl
$5 from me at readings/events

Sold out
Or contact me at kkirkpoet[at]

Living on the Earth (Finishing Line Press, 2010)
New Women’s Voices Series #74
$14, paper, chapbook

Broken Sonnets (Finishing Line Press, 2009)
$12, paper, chapbook
Sold Out, contact me 

Selected Roles (Moon Journal Press, 2006)
$5, paper, chapbook + $1 shipping
Contact me at kkirkpoet[at]

Co-Authored Artist Books (handmade books in boxes)

Fugue: Weston Cemetery Prairie Nature Preserve (December 2022)
Photographs by Ken Kashian, Poems by Kathleen Kirk 

Themes & Variations (September 2021)
Photographs by Ken Kashian, Poems by Kathleen Kirk 

This Moment…in Sarah’s Garden (November 2019)
Photographs by Ken Kashian, Poems in the voice of Sarah Davis by Kathleen Kirk