
Thursday, May 20, 2010

100 Days of Bookitude!

Day 100 of the "What are you reading, and why?" project! Really, I've been doing this for 100 days! If you are the 100th day reader...hmm, I don't really have a prize, unless you want a copy of my first poetry chapbook, Selected Roles (Moon Journal Press, 2006), as I still have some of those. Cover art is a painting by my husband! (Let me know, and we'll figure out how to send you one!) Image for today is the poster from a past event, the poetry reading at the arts center, during Illinois Arts Week.

Mainly I will celebrate with some bookish news culled from the Internet and National Public Radio.

For example, NPR told me this morning that this day in 1609 brought the first publication of Shakespeare's sonnets! Yay! Oh, that reminds me that I have another thing to celebrate: a nice review of my chapbook Broken Sonnets in Fiddler Crab Review, an online magazine that celebrates the chapbook, or the very slim volume of verse.

NPR also shared the news that George Washington never returned the book Law of Nations to the library, but, lest he be thought a deadbeat, a society has donated a new copy of the book to the library, which has waived the $300,000 fine.

And, as I told you in an earlier entry, the Lost Man Booker Prize was indeed awarded yesterday. And the winner is....Troubles, by J G Farrell. Here's some info about the book from the Man Booker website:

Troubles is the first in Farrell's Empire Trilogy, which was followed by The Siege of Krishnapur (1973) and The Singapore Grip (1978). The Siege of Krishnapur won the Booker Prize in 1973 and was shortlisted for the Best of the Booker, a special award created to mark the 40th anniversary of the prize in 2008. Farrell died in 1979.

So Farrell was a big Booker winner, it appears. I could not find The Bay of Noon, by Shirley Hazzard, also nominated, at work, but I will keep an eye out for it.

Ah! And we will be celebrating at work, too! Not the 100th day of my book-blog project, but a little gathering of current and former co-workers. We were going to go to lunch together, but the boss is headed to Chicago, so, while the cat's away, the mice will play. That is, we will clean off the counter and have a picnic while we mind the store!

I doubt there will be cake, but there might be cookies. And hummus. And my famous pasta salad, with tuna and green olives!

Ah, and my other cause for celebration is that my new poetry chapbook, Living on the Earth (Finishing Line Press, New Women's Voices Series No. 74), is indeed out there in the world, and people are receiving their single pre-ordered copies. I have not yet received my big box of author copies, but you can be sure I'll let you know when I do, in another "all about me" kind of blog entry. Because, you know, it's always all about me.


  1. Sounds like we have a lot to congratulate you on! I'll particularly commend you for doing a hundred days of this. Quite admirable.

    I did look up that Lost Booker Prize after you mentioned here a few days ago. I even brought it up to my book group. They thought it was intriguing, but when they asked me who was up for it, all I could remember was Nina Bawden in the moment was Nina Bawden. Surprisingly, this led to one member's fond reminiscence of discovering Bawden quite by chance and going through a whole series of her books some years ago.

  2. I don't know anything about the Lost Man Booker Prize, but I do know that "Living on the Earth" arrived in my mailbox today. Yay! Actually, two of them! I had forgotten I ordered two, and I'm not sure what I planned to do with the extra one, so if you know someone who needs one, I have one available for gifting.

    Lovely picnic, btw. I am still enjoying the olive bread. I just realized it would be lovely with tuna salad. I should try that.

  3. Maybe you were going to give one to my cousin Scott!

    Pasta, tuna, green olives, mayo to taste/bind. Easier than pie!


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