
Monday, July 19, 2010

A Dog's Life, Google Chrome, and Goodreads

Day 161 of the "What are you reading, and why?" project, and Kat is reading The Art of Racing in the Rain, by Garth Stein, which sounds like a book for those who love both dogs and NASCAR.

Plus reincarnation. There's a dog in it, waiting to be reborn as a man, who gets to take rides in a race car.

Kat is herself a marvelous storyteller who has lived an amazing life, with intermingling journey narratives involving theatre, puppetry, and professional fishing. I would like to read any novel based on her life, and I hope she writes one.

Speaking of rain, we are finally having a much-needed thunderstorm. My husband has his sand volleyball league tonight, behind a restaurant/bar, and I trust he is not playing in the lightning but, instead, using that buy-one-appetizer-get-one-free coupon that was tucked into his birthday card.

I have finally joined Goodreads, after Laura, Sarah, Susan, another Susan, and, as I recall, yet another Susan all recommended it to me, and am trying to catch up on a poetry-reading challenge by adding books I read since the first recommendation.

But, as I am technologically challenged, and am also learning to use tabs via Google Chrome, at the insistence of my kids, it is slow going. I finally figured out

1) how to be a Goodreads author (since some of my books are eligible)
2) how to put the Goodreads widget to those books on the right side (scroll down) of this here blog

I have zero reads/ratings of these books, so if you are a very good friend, who wants to join Goodreads, and who has read my books, feel free to click the widget and say something!


1 comment:

  1. I gave my mother-in-law the "Racing in the Rain" book for Mother's Day, because a) she loves dogs, and b) it sounded like something she would like based on reader reviews.

    She loved it.

    I don't know a thing about Goodreads or Google Chrome, however.


Go ahead and comment, and I will publish it after I get an email notification! Thanks!