
Thursday, July 22, 2010

Not Really Cooking with Pooh

Day 164 of the "What are you reading, and why?" project, and my book group is going to be reading The Cookbook Collector, by Allegra Goodman, because Kim and Suzie heard about it on the radio coming to the meeting where we discussed The Wishbones, by Tom Perrotta.

I have read Intuition by Allegra Goodman, and enjoyed it, and so has Kim, who borrowed it from me, but she doesn't remember that right now, because she has been drinking red wine. Intuition is about science, what goes on during research projects, and the male/female competitive aspect. And the different ways men and women may approach science. I found it fascinating and made little marginal notes that I forgot about when I lent her the book, but she enjoyed them, even if they were personal.

Cookbook Collector is about sisters! AND antiquarian book collecting. Oh, gosh, this is going to be one of those books I wish I'd written. AND about business, so I hope to learn a lot about a world I do not understand, just as I did with Jane Smiley's book about real estate and greed in the 80s, Good Faith.

The discussion of The Wishbones was fun. We had:

--wedding cake
--Cheetos (for cheating)
--wine (including Red Guitar and one with a cock on the label)
--almonds (like Jordan almonds but not; instead Almond Joy almonds and York Peppermint almonds)

We mused on whether Dave had done the right thing (at various times, no spoilers here), and the patterns of panic and cold feet before weddings, and whether guys can really grow up in time to marry, or at all. We are a mixed bunch--gay, straight, married, not, etc.--but all women, so we have a fine bunch of experiences and perspectives and appreciated seeing how men think in this novel. Perrotta was compared to Nick Hornby, called an American Hornby, and there was talk of The Wedding Singer, with Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore.

And then we watched this, made for and shown by the daughter and son-in-law of one of our members:

The Road to the Reception (8 minutes of fun that the wedding guests watched while waiting for the new couple to enter the reception)

You will know which one she is when you get there.


  1. I had to read several pages of Intuition (on amazon's look inside life-saving feature) before I remembered the book. That's this morning while drinking coffee. So I don't think I can blame the red wine. Perhaps the over-40 memory problem. What? I'm way past that? Oh.


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