
Saturday, August 21, 2010

Extra, Extra + Glory, Glory

More of Lorel's morning glories, plus more particular beauty, sadness, sweetness, edge, and punch in the literary line.

The new issue of Blood Lotus is up online. Clickable here in this post or on the web log at the right. What a beautiful site it is, with all issues available, in page turning mode. OK, it's not a book, but it's like a book. And it lists books by its contributors on the right.

And my Diane Lockward poem-of-the-day broke my heart and ended the first section of What Feeds Us. "A Change in the Air."

There was a change in the air around here, thanks to a rainstorm last night. The balsam out front that had flattened itself on the ground in protest of the heat is standing up straight again. The back yard balsam is in better soil, and holds water better, too, so it was still standing, but is happier now. The impatiens is restored in patience. The sweet autumn clematis spreads its anise scent despite the tiny yellow bugs clustered all along the vines. I'm saving seed heads of the black-eyed Susans for Kim, and the coneflower is coning. All my pastel daisies are opening, taking over the bed given to perennial wildflowers.

And my son, who goes back to college tomorrow, let me stand and hug him in his bedroom as he packed. Hug him for a long time. An unmeasurable moment.

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