
Monday, August 16, 2010

The Sexy Book of Sexy Sex

Day 189 of the "What are you reading, and why?" project, and now, surely, a bunch of people must be reading The Sexy Book of Sexy Sex, by Kristen Schaal and Rich Blomquist, because, like me, they heard her on "Wait, Wait, Don't tell Me" on NPR this weekend.

This seems like the perfect book to give my husband when he turns 60 (I don't know why) or for Kim to give her children when they ask about the facts of life (because I think I see an alligator in the background).

Oh, I do know why. My husband loves The Daily Show, and Kristen Schaal is sometimes on it. Plus, white socks with red stripes are definitely a turn on around our house. As are red high tops.

In the Unitarian Church yesterday, I actually read my poem "Fishnets for Jesus" and got some laughs. It was part of my "perverse interlude in which I read 2 poems that mention Jesus." One was about Caravaggio's painting The Rest on the Flight into Egypt, and one was this, which is also posted on Facebook:

Fishnets for Jesus

My Jesus-loving friend on Facebook
reminds me just to pray harder
when I’m feeling bad or sad,
not to turn away from everyone & everything

and that’s when I pray for thigh-high
fishnets, and remember I have some—
I bought them for Alex, to wear
to the New Year’s Eve party & then
forgot to pack them
till the following year, when
discreetly I lifted my black skirt
just thigh high—

and I go upstairs and baptize myself
again in the shower,
step out, dry myself off, jot down
a quick to-do & grocery list
to let myself fully evaporate,
and then ease them gently up
each thigh, breathing easily,
the way we do when we pray for nothing.


  1. Kathleen, I love this poem. For me it oscillates between hysterically funny and erotic. But you nailed it. There must be a word that describes this but for the life of me I can't think of it. Ron

  2. Oh, thank you, Ron! I am happy to have "nailed it"!!


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