
Sunday, September 26, 2010

Bonk & Bonkers

Day 230 of the "What are you reading, and why?" project, and my co-worker Julia is reading Bonk, by Mary Roach.  She said to me, "I think you would like it because you like that book about vibrators."  OK, let's back up here.

I think Julia means The Technology of Orgasm, by Rachel P. Maines, and/or The Vibrator Play, by Sarah Ruhl, which you can find discussed in this previous blog entry. (I may actually have discussed this multiple times.)

Bonk, by Mary Roach, is subtitled The Curious Coupling of Science and Sex, a clever title, and is really about the science of sex, just as The Technology of Orgasm is really about the technology of orgasm.  I do think I would like it.  But I am a little bonkers.

What you see here are conkers, or horse chestnuts, strung in readiness for a game of conkers, played in Great Britain, where indeed I first encountered it, the year we lived and went to school in London.  My brother was very good at conkers.  Me, not so much.


  1. Oh.... I published your comment, and then looked up ben wa... Interesting. What a coinkydink!


Go ahead and comment, and I will publish it after I get an email notification! Thanks!