
Sunday, September 12, 2010

Book & Church Repair

Day 216 of the "What are you reading, and why?" project and now, thanks to Betty, even more people in central Illinois will be reading Saving Jesus from the Church, by Robin Meyers, mentioned here way back in May, because now he is coming to town, for sure, in late October, to speak, and she is telling people to read the book in advance, which of course makes perfect sense.

Free Lecture, Friday, October 29, 7:00 p.m., Astroth Education Center, Heartland College, Normal, IL.
Paid Workshop, Saturday, October 30, 8:30 a.m.-12:30, also at Heartland College, RSVP October 15.

On the cover the book, Jesus is wearing duct tape.  You can dress appropriately for a lecture or workshop, but if you really want to, you can wear duct tape on Sunday, October 31, for Halloween.

If it is your books and not your church that might need repair, you can attend free lectures or paid workshops about that via the Book Arts Lecture Series of Milner Library, Illinois State University, Normal, IL.

Tuesday, October 4, 4:30, Main Floor, Milner Library, Karen Hanmer will speak on the history of the Guild of Book Workers.

Tuesday, November 2, 7:00 p.m., Main Floor, Milner Library, Dr. Betty Bright will speak on Book Art in America, 1960 to Today.

Thursday, November 11, 7:00 p.m. Circus Room, Bone Student Center, Illinois State University, Don Etherington will speak of his Sixty-Year Odyssey in Bookbinding and Conservation.

All of these things sound fabulous, and I hope I will be able to fit a few in between volleyball games and standing around in the cemetery as Adlai Stevenson's mom.

And the wonderful book art you see here is by Samantha Huang, featured in the current issue of Sow's Ear Poetry Review and in January at Escape Into Life.

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