
Thursday, September 2, 2010

Unbearable Lightness

Day 206, unless I've lost count, of the "What are you reading, and why?" project, and Micah is reading The Book of Laughter and Forgetting, because he is interested in Milan Kundera, and because he wants to finish it before the serious, relentless reading of graduate school begins (6 books in just 1 of his courses) later this semester!  And before student teaching begins, followed by teaching a section of freshman comp.

He was also looking for The Unbearable Lightness of Being, but couldn't find it.  I have found it, the unbearable lightness of being, but in the positive sense, via that euphoria that has survived a brief uncharitable feeling toward the mulberry trees* that spring up everywhere some bird poops seeds.  (I love birds, I love seeds, I love trees.  A mantra born of laughter and forgetting.)

At Babbitt's, we had Immortality, but nothing else.  Hey, immortality ain't a bad thing to have!

I had recently put The Unbearable Lightness of Being on the New Arrivals shelf by the door, so, evidently, it had recently sold.

At Babbitt's, we have, by the way, a zillion new arrivals.  Really, a zillion.  Count them.  And no shelver.  Sigh....

*Feeling a bit guilty about that mulberry, thanks to Kim, I should link you to a poem in Apparatus, called "Mulberry Tree."  Yes, it's the "backyard along the fence" mulberry tree that's poking up among the morning glories in yesterday's less-than-charitable blog entry.

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