
Friday, October 8, 2010

Full List of Nobel Prizes in Lit

Link to list of Nobel Prize Winners in Literature here.  (Thanks to S. Jane!)  Congratulations this year to Mario Vargas Llosa of Peru.

Yesterday, the day of the announcement, was mostly my random riff on palladium, chemistry, poetry!

But I do want to know more about that literary feud! (Vargas Llosa & Garcia Marquez.)

Back to work (in bookstore) today, on our day off from the cemetery.  So, I'll be back later today with what someone is reading!

Maybe I can see what Vargas Llosa we've got, and we can set up a little display!  Or one of past as well as current winners.  It's nice to work in a used bookstore.  The old guys (and occasional gals) are there, too.  I'm pretty sure we have some Selma Lagerlof and Pearl S. Buck!

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