
Sunday, November 7, 2010

Train Window

Day 272 of the "What are you reading, and why?" project, and, after last night's release reading, I know a number of people are reading the new issue of Fifth Wednesday, published in Lisle, Illinois. The reading at the Book Cellar in Chicago was well attended, and the store has a charming cafe, with coffee, wine, and  pumpkin soup.

Susan Hahn read an excerpt from her novel, published as the story "If I Set Up the Chairs," Barry Silesky and I read poems (with the coincidence of whales in them), and editor Vern Miller read, to relate to yesterday, a "redneck" short story by Jonis Agee, who was not present.  This issue has a feature on Illinois poet John Knoepfle, a nice interview and several poems.  Knoepfle's bio at the back says, "Right now he is writing a series of poems about the world he sees from his window."

Here's what I saw out the train window on today's pleasant ride home in the fall sunshine: several hawks soaring over the harvested fields, those long golden stretches of field with sharp broken stalks of corn, and beautiful white wind turbines, turning.

And I was reading.  I had taken some poetry books, and I had Fifth Wednesday, but I was reading Saving Jesus from the Church, by Robin Meyers, discussed here in the past, as so many local people were reading it.  Now I can, having borrowed my mom's copy, with her underlining and brackets, serious question marks, rare exclamation points, and excellent questions in the margin.

I like this book.  It's down to earth.

And I wrote this, in pencil, on ruled paper.

On the Road

I don't know if I resembled
the one they loved
or if the tremor in my voice
from hunger and fatigue
reminded them of the one they missed
but two travelers on the road
fed me, and were kind.

And now, wherever I go,
I remember this kindness
and how the simple breaking
of the bread made a sweet plenty
for us all.

And, speaking of whales, that's Mr. Splashy Pants, from Greenpeace.


  1. So sorry I missed your reading - it's been a crazy week. The views from train windows are always fascinating.

  2. You are a teacher, Donna! I know how crazy a week can be!

  3. Let that sentiment be the s.o.p. for all of us,
    Kathleen. A lovely poem.

  4. Thank you, Ron!

    What does s. o. p. mean? State of play? Standard of practice? Sibling of porpoise?

    Because, you know, I love the water.

  5. standard operating procedure Kathleen.

  6. I always forgive myself for being clueless. Because I have to.

  7. Thanks Kathleen, I enjoy how your eyes 'see'.

    Nice pencil sketch.

  8. lovely work as well as a guiding principle to remember.


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