
Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Babette's Totes + Pamela's Birds

Day 303 of the "What are you reading, and why?" project, and today I also ask, "And what are you carrying your books in these days?"

Here is Babette the bookstore cat and behind her, on the wall, three of the new totes you can find at Babbitt's Books now.  Not to mention t-shirts. For more views of these, see the new Babbitt's Blog, where Sarah continues in her 30 Days of Christmas project.

Oh, all right.  Here's one:

And here's a gift idea for your writer friends of hybrid genres--one or both of the field guides from Rose Metal Press.  Which reminds me of The Rose Suchac Ladder Company, as in The Santa Clause.  Anyhoo....

You may recall these wonderful bird paintings by Pamela Callahan on the two covers!

1 comment:

  1. Babette is looking rounder and more plump these days. Gorgeous girl! The totes are pretty awesome, too. :-)


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