
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Never Let Me Go

Day 296 of the "What are you reading, and why?" project, and Susan is reading Never Let Me Go, by Kazuo Ishiguro, which Sarah also liked.  (Maybe they will tell us why.)  A woman was looking for it in Babbitt's recently, but we don't have it, and I was looking for it again today, for me!  My mom found a copy of Remains of the Day this summer, and snapped it up, so I can borrow that later!

Meanwhile, Josh just finished Good Scent from a Strange Mountain, by Robert Olen Butler.  He is reading all the Pulitzer Prize winners, so that's the "why" in his case.

And we are definitely in the holiday book list season--books good to give, and best books of 2010, and this "best of" trend will continue in everything as we approach the new year.  Here is Alan Cheuse's current list at NPR, Best Books of Winter.

December 1st arrived with snow and civil unions passed in the legislature of Illinois.  And I mourn losses and honor the significance of World AIDS Day.  Also the Day Without Art when it first came about.  Hence, the blackness.


  1. good to hear the progress about civil unions in the illinois legislature. even though change isn't as swift and broad as i want it to be, i must be grateful for some change.

  2. I loved that book because it was a great story and Ishiguro is a wonderful wonderful writer. His prose is terrific, but always clear and never belabored (in the sense of 'let me pause to parse this interesting sentence'). The story is narrated in a rather detached voice, making the plot somehow more shocking. I didn't think Ishiguro could or would do sci-fi, and it's hard to think of this book as sci-fi, but it is, and it's great. Pardon my gush. Quite honestly it's not even his best book...

  3. Love your choice of art with this column!


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