
Saturday, December 4, 2010

Shoveling + Lists + Angelology

Day 299 of the "What are you reading, and why?" project, and I'll be shoveling a few lists in your direction as the year-end tallies and suggestions and "best of" appear.  And I've just been out shoveling some of the 5-6 inches of wet snow off the driveway and sidewalks.

Kristin has been reading and recommending poetry books because she is a poet herself!  Her favorite poetry books of 2010 are listed here, in her blog, and the entry sends you to other lists, too.  I'm glad that she's listed one of her own books on one of her lists, as it's good she loves the poems she wrote for others to read!

At the top of the New York Times list of 100 Notable Books of 2010 is a book by a fellow Kenyon College alum:  American Subversive, by David Goodwillie.  (What a great name!)  It's a thriller with a blogger and an ecoterrorist in it.  No wonder it's at the top of the list.  Oh, plus the alphabet.

Next on the list is Angelology, by Danielle Trussoni, which has the Nephilim in it.  I just learned about nephilim in the story "Nephilim," by L. Annette Binder, published in One Story, and mentioned earlier in this blog.  Nephilim are hybrids of human and gods, as explained early in this New York Times review, with monstrous personalities.  So they are nobody's sentimental angels.  Angelology also has a nun and an art historian in it.  Hmm, I smell romance, fantasy, thrills, and a movie, and, since it also includes scholarship, some Possession, by A.S. Byatt.

But, speaking of angels, here's a sweet angel story!

And for more information on these shovels, go to Dave's Blog on urban survival.


  1. Likewise. I shoveled the driveway yesterday, too. It felt good to get out in the fresh quiet cold air. Then it felt even better to come inside and have something warm to drink.

    One of the definition of angel is "god's thought passing to man/woman." i like that one.

  2. Love that definition.

    Have recovered from recent fragility by way of silliness. And I think it was Martin Boober who said, "Silliness IS one of the names of God."

  3. I read Angelology a while back. Someone gave it to me as a gift. I wake up fragile all the time. I must try this silliness solution. I used to be really good at finding the hilarity in things. Glad to hear you are feeling less fragile today!


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