
Saturday, December 18, 2010

Three Cups of Tea

Day 313 of the "What are you reading, and why?" project and Ashley just finished Three Cups of Tea, by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin, which she found uplifting.  She is also in that delicious period of anticipation before starting the next book.

The subtitle of this book is One Man's Mission to Promote Peace...One School at a Time, and it is about Mortenson's promise to build a school in the village that took care of him after he climbed K2.  He did return to build schools in Pakistan and Afghanistan. The Amazon blurbed reviews and reader reviews echo Ashley's "uplifting" comment.

I liked the explanation, from Bookmarks Magazine, of the title of the book as a Baltistan proverb: "The first time you share tea with a Balti, you are a stranger," a villager tells Greg Mortenson. "The second time, you are an honored guest. The third time you become family."

his morning I needed three cups of coffee, after a little collage party--bookmark collages with images and words.  I stuck with my Emily Dickinson lines, and Sarah and Julie brought glue sticks and images and candy canes and wine and their wonderful minds. What fun!

And then a poetry collage arrived in the mail from Sandy!

***pause to look for teacups***

Returned to send you to see this teacup blog post! I hope it makes you as happy as it made me!  And if that's not enough, here is a cheerleading pyramid of teacups. Don't knock it over.


  1. I'm glad you found inspiration in my book pics! I actually purchased my copy of Three Cups of Tea from Babbits!

    And, oh my goodness, where did you find that picture of tea cups? They are wonderful! Must purchase them!

    I'm loving your blog Kathleen. Lots of great ideas for more reads, and I love the collage idea! :)

  2. I think there's something along the lines of the tea connection in blogging. Leave one comment you are a stranger; the next a guest; the third, family. :)

  3. What fun! A collage party to make bookmarks! I have friends who swear they can't do visual arts (even though they quilt!)--I bet I could persuade them to do that.

    Or perhaps a virtual collage party . . .

  4. Ashley, that's so neat! And which book cover do you have, this one? (Will send tea link by inbox, and I think I drank from sereni-tea at a friend's house!)

    Sandy, you are so right about blogs. Such sweet connections this way.

    Kristin, yes! And we seem to be having a virtual tea party right now. Plus, Sandy and I realized that we both do poetry collage things.


Go ahead and comment, and I will publish it after I get an email notification! Thanks!