
Tuesday, February 8, 2011

365 Days of Reading

It's Day 365 of the "What are you reading, and why?" project!! For 365 days, a full year, I posted about what someone was reading (including self, family, friends, and strangers). I discovered this by asking or observing, in a variety of places, including the bookshop, of course, but also the beach, church, homes, and volleyball tournaments.  I focused on print matter--mostly books, but sometimes periodicals, including magazines and literary journals. And, even with all the electronic ways to read, people are still reading books, and, whatever way we read, people are definitely reading and loving it.  What a joy it has been to chat with you all.  And thanks so much to those who commented here, furthering the discussions and sharing recommendations.

Yesterday, I looked back at some of the blog entries at the beginning of the project, to remind myself of its impetus and to make sure I hadn't lost track.  I am math challenged, you know.

I was reminded of the whole chick lit/dick lit thing--equal time for annoying sexist labels--and Julie's suggestion of the more Internet-search friendly term "lad lit," so I will tell you that a man looking for vacation reading walked out of the bookstore yesterday with what we might call lad lit:  Catcher in the Rye, by J. D. Salinger (time for a re-read); Songbook, essays on music by Nick Hornby (he would have taken The Wishbones, if we'd had it); and Stranger Than Fiction, a book of short stories by Chuck Palahniuk.  I almost bought the latter myself, as soon as I saw it, riffling through to see if there was a story in it that was the basis of the film Stranger Than Fiction, which I love, but it isn't.

No, now that I realize Palahniuk has an official site called The Cult, I may stay away.  But you can let me know otherwise.  This is the lad who wrote Fight Club.

I may have realized that before, even here in this blog, as info seems to fold like blueberries into the gray batter of my brain when I am writing an entry a day on what people are reading!

And, as far as math challenge goes...I started this project on February 10th, but, here it is, Day 365, on February 8th.  I know there's a reasonable explanation for this...but I already put those muffins in the oven.

Kathleen's brain.

Blueberry muffin.

Blueberry muffin is clearly larger.

Anyhoo, I began the project after watching the film Julie and Julia, and musing on Julie's blog project of cooking Julia Child recipes and blogging about it.  Like random clockwork, the book Julie and Julia turned up in the shop the other day, but I resisted it, leaving it to some other happy customer, as I would also have to resist Mastering the Art of French Cooking, by Julia Child, if it turned up.  One, because I am a lousy cook, and, two, because it would be very, very expensive.

Again, anyhoo, wait...what was the anyhoo?!  Find out tomorrow...!  How's that for a page turner?


  1. Great post, Kathleen. "Lad lit" is one I'm not likely to forget for a while!

    I applaud you, both for the idea of the project and completing it. Amazing.

  2. Thanks, Maureen, and I certainly applaud what you do in your blog! So much variety and generosity there.

  3. Yes, I applaud your ability to post for 365 days and keep it interesting! Good job! Love the blueberry example!

  4. 365 days ago, I don't recall how I found your sight or what directed me to it but it's been inspirational and informative. It's provided me with the wanting and exposure to alternative suggested reading material which expanded my narrow little world. Thank you for your witty, altough most recently a little 'weather'd' snarky (lol), 'simpatico and quite inclusive(to my liking).

    We are continuing and last night had more 'lake affect' snow, how about you.
    PS: I'll return that electric shovel when winter is over.

    Felis y bueno dia, mi amiga.

  5. Happy 365th post, Kathleen! I love your writing and look forward to more of it.

    Do you know Julie Wilson's blog, Seen Reading? I have a feeling you would (or already do) like it:

  6. We have enjoyed your blog and look forward to the new one - WHATEVER you decide to do.

  7. Thanks, all! It'll still be here, and will likely accommodate everyone's votes, in some way or another!

  8. Congratulations on the one-year anniversary!

  9. This is a historic moment -- congratulations! Many happy re-page-turns!

  10. I am so impressed. Congratulations. Can't wait for the movie.

    I'm kidding, but you never know...

  11. What a wonderful conclusion to your project! I love your writing -I look forward to reading you every day, so I hope that your new "direction" keeps you posting daily.


  12. Congratulations on this momentous occasion! Folded blueberries for brains! Yes! We are related. Love you and your blog, sis!

  13. Woo Hoo! Happy Anniversary/Birthday/Completion Date/Whathaveyou!

    Can't wait to see what's next.


Go ahead and comment, and I will publish it after I get an email notification! Thanks!