
Monday, February 21, 2011

Blue Monday

And I don't mean melancholy. I mean that the sky in the early morning dark, as I write, is a misty blue.  When it is full morning, I doubt the sky will still be blue, as rain is already dashing the windows on the north.  Looks to be a misty Monday, with precipitation.

Here are some categories I've been musing about:

1) Blue Monday, posts on melancholy, color, and who knows?  In non-linear time, it might not even fall on a Monday.
2) Fat Tuesday, posts about wonderful food, indulgences, and maybe confessions (as some other bloggers I visit have a Confession Tuesday).  "Fat" will be a good word, about the fullness of life.
3) Hump of the Week, which may or may not fall on Wednesday, the hump of the week. These might also be sexy posts. Or not. I imagine there will be attempts at humor, my quirky brand of stand up comedy. Possibly typed with my figners* glued together.
4) Throwaway, which might apply to Thursday or random coincidii or the vast abyss. But I want to incorporate recycling and gratitude, too. This may turn into Wasteful Love as a category suggesting we have so much love we can "waste" it by handing it out freely wherever we go, a John Shelby Spong idea re-seen in this context.
5) Petty Peeves, an opportunity to rant and complain, possibly on a Friday. Might also be called Cranky Doodle Day and involve *crafting.
6) Slattern Day, for all things slatternly and the general celebration or avoidance of housework.
7) Poetry Someday, which might fall on a Sunday, or any other day of the non-linear week. Poetry reviews, explications, samples, and/or occasional prompts.

Do (any of) these appeal to you?!


  1. All of these appeal to me, and I'm in awe that you can blog every day of the week. Speaking of which, I love the qualification: "non-linear week." Most excellent.

  2. All sounds great. Very creative!

  3. I love your categories - especially Fat Tuesday and Slattern Day. Cranky Doodle is fun, too. Have fun with it and we will all be tuning-in! Rain and cold here today - a perfect day for doing my taxes...

  4. Love your wordplay! Perhaps Blue Monday could also be about awesome 80s music, as you already have the New Order reference in the title.

  5. Isn't there a reference, day of the week, to the book 'Sexy Sex' that you wrote about back in August? You made reference to it by saying you might buy it for your husband when he turns 60. Maybe that was the 'hump day' reference. Anyway, your musings are relatable, in a 'linear' sense when 'figners' are in charge.

    By the way, it's very wet,icy,sleety and eerily grey up here in northern Indiana.

  6. All appeal except the possibility of Confession Tuesday which has become tedious, imo, with too many people doing it. #6 is every day for me. I'm doing it right now.

  7. Thanks, all! And, fear not, books and all kinds of reading will be woven in. Note taken, Diane, so I will probably just "confess" to various indulgences and mostly praise the fullness of life on my Tuesdays. Unless I am feeling especially cranky or slatternly on Tuesday. Or in the mood for a hamburger. For which I will pay you on Blue Monday.

    Yes! Re: music, Donna. I will weave in music or background music, perhaps by way of imaginary playlists. And movies and musical comedy. I have no idea what I will do, but you can be sure I'll stick to this random nonlinear schedule. Unless I don't.

  8. Slattern Day--in praise of slatterns everywhere. There are days I feel I'm the only woman actively avoiding housework. When did we all go back to ironing? With starch?

    And of course, anything food related is fine with me. Fatness, fullness--wonderful!

    But I don't remember reading a post of yours that I dislike--you write it, I'll read it!

  9. Well, that feels good. Thanks, Kristin!

  10. I was just reviewing my spontaneous 'blue Monday' comment and I hope I didn't sound too
    irreverent or snarky. My brain's 'grey matter' was a shadow of the weather outside. Imagine that! I enjoy everything you write. (lo siento)

  11. I like the idea of Fat Tuesday!
    I love food so.....


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