
Saturday, February 26, 2011

Slattern Day

It's Slattern Day in the blog, and here are a few things I won't be doing to celebrate:


It's not that these chores don't need to be done.  It's that I will be attending the junior high volleyball regionals to support the hubby coach and the area girls I've been watching all season.

I don't think anyone who knows me would call me a slattern, in either sense of the word.  (Alas, one sense is "slut.") Perhaps, yes, some would call me slovenly or untidy in appearance, due to my layered lackadaisical fashion sense and hair in a perpetual scrunchee.

Once, for about 4 years, I wore the same golden suede boots everywhere. They were comfortable, OK?

Those of you who have read the Bridget Jones books will recall that Helen Fielding uses "sluttish" to mean careless washing up (see the Wikipedia article!). But when I do wash up (the dishes), I am careful, and when I do do the laundry, I fold it straight out of the dryer so it won't just lie there and wrinkle. (I just wanted to say "do do.") Anyhoo...

Saturday was named, not for slatterns, but for Saturn, pictured in a somewhat slatternly stance above.


  1. Saturn could definitely use some gold suede boots, and besides, you do that voodoo that you do so well.

  2. I'm also planning on doing the absolute minimum today, but of course at the same time trying to give the impression that I'm very busy and industrious...

  3. And it's true that some gym clothes will have to be laundered...but it's always a chance to remind my daughter not to be slatternly....

  4. Very cute. One would never consider you 'slaterny' if one knew how your mind is always busy. Busy in reference to working.

    Good luck to 'coach hubby' and be careful to hide those 'golden suede boots'. If noticed they might distract him from his coaching, knowing his age group, he might go into a song and dance to Elvis's 'please don't step on my gold suede shoes' and step on his own feet. Ooops, that's 'blue suede shoes' huh? Anyhoo good luck and have a fun weekend!

  5. Plus I think "saturnalia" (with a small s) has some sluttish connotations, as well. Not sure about the sloppy part. Just, you know, drinking too much, eating too much, orgiastic revelry, that sort of thing.

    I'm got HOWL in the DVD player, I'm watching the girls high school basketball championships on the net, and I am trying to knit, too. So... Triple-tasking. And not really doing anything productive with any of the three. But having fun on Saturn's Day!

  6. I am considering a new tradition - on the Saturday of weeks that I work over fifty hours, I may just take time to read a book (or read for four straight hours). Perhaps I'll consider that my motivation when I'm grading papers for the umpteenth hour in a row. Oh, and no vacuuming. Take that!

  7. Yes, Erin! Reading and no vacuuming, yay!

  8. I took a slatternly nap today. Also: I can relate to your lack of concern for fashion--there are so many far more interesting things to think about!

    P.S. You have upcoming readings in Chicago! Yay!! I hope to come and hear you read :)

  9. It would be great to see you again, Susan!


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