
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Snow Day Update

The dear sweet husband 1) went back to the store for urgent medical supplies and returned with half a pound cake (and the supplies) and 2) ignored my firm "no" issued in response to daughter's request to go to her boyfriend's house, so 3) now out he goes into the blizzard to pick her up at 3:00 p.m. and 4) possibly bring back the boyfriend, too, who will be snowed in with us, in the handy bedroom vacated by college son, right up until 5) houseguest arrives on Thursday night?! We'll see.

And don't forget to vote on the next blog project!  Proposed thus far by me and by you:

--More of the same (what people are reading + random stuff)
--Random coincidii & whimsy
--What I am reading & whimsy
--Anything about poetry (reviews, interviews, explications)

I think there are lots of great sites already for poetry prompts, plus pure poetry sites, several in the blogroll, for instance, so I would probably do poetry in connection with reading in some way, not offer prompts, etc.  But I might share the prompts of the little workshop I teach at Babbitt's in the rare book room, if there's some interest.  Then my students could catch up if they miss a class, avoid going out in blizzards, and/or, hmmm, not come at all. Well, have to think about that....

Nobody has voted for:

--Musical comedy
--Standup comedy (by me)


  1. Are you going to be seeping on pillows of first edition papyrus? You look lik you've been hit harder than we have up here in Northern Indiana. Thank goodness for the utility of Ipads and android ops. These 'nature' distractions sometimes contribute to very creative writing. Good luck, be safe.

  2. (I think that's a picture of Oregon.)

  3. But the National Guard has been alerted here in Illinois!

  4. It's very hard to vote. I will say that I particularly enjoy the way you discuss a poem, and would love to see that included in the general mix, whatever it turns out to be.

  5. Whew! Hubby & daughter & (yes, indeedy) boyfriend are home here safe and sound. Also they rescued a woman who had driven up onto a median strip.

  6. Good! i couldn't tell whether you had taken a mobile cell pic because you were talking about your 'hubby' picking up your daughter. Then you started speaking about your son in college and i didn't know you had children that old.
    Aren't you still in your 20's like your picture shows? Sorry about misconstruing.

  7. Ah, nene, you keep me young!

    Thanks, seana! I have a feeling that random mishmash will keep happening, and I'll have a chance to get some poetry explication in there!!

  8. I wondered what would happen at day 365... I do like the book blog!

  9. Thanks, SarahJane! I think books will still be hanging around.

  10. I am hoping for musical comedy with poems, bookstore talk, and whimsy with occasional volleyball. I am just a few days short of the 365 for my photo project, and am pondering how much of that I want to do in the future.

  11. Thanks, Collagemama! I feel a hodgepodge coming on!!

  12. I am an American voter - which means I want everything:

    --More of the same (what people are reading + random stuff)
    --Random coincidii & whimsy
    --What [you are] reading & whimsy
    --Anything about poetry (reviews, interviews, explications)
    --Musical comedy
    --Standup comedy

    Truly, I enjoy everything you write about - mention - and inspire other people to raise. This is a great place to come to see what lively minds are thinking.


  13. Thanks, Bob. And I always enjoy what you offer, and what you are reading!

  14. Anonymous votes: poetry.


Go ahead and comment, and I will publish it after I get an email notification! Thanks!