
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Hedgehog Hodgepodge

Hedgehogs here to get us through the hump of the week.

Tonight my book group meets to discuss The Elegance of the Hedgehog, by Muriel Barbery, the book I bought for my daughter and borrowed back to read for myself.

I have been re-reading sections in preparation for tonight, notably the ending, plus Renee Michel's rejection of Husserl. Renee is the concierge of a residential hotel in Paris, and she resembles a hedgehog in her bristling spiny defense mechanisms and her ability to roll up in a ball of emotional denial.

Hedgehogs are mainly nocturnal and, in captivity, get along well with other domesticated animals.

Yes, Renee has a cat.

Hedgehogs live in Europe and are popular pets. There are no native species in North America, not anymore.

Terry Pratchett has "The Hedgehog Song" in his Discworld books, and, amazingly, here is a whole webpage dedicated to that, with lyrics, and a chance to hear them sung.  It's at the website of Warren Marrs, poet, who will appreciate today's poem-a-day prompt: hedgehogs in the wild or as pets.

Meanwhile, I finished Women in Their Beds, by Gina Berriault.  Oh, my, what a beautiful book of short stories.  I was delighted to encounter in it the words "slattern" and "braggadocio," which have also come up in the blogosphere of my life.

Here is another hedgehog.


April 6 poem-a-day prompt:

Hedgehogs in the wild or as pets


Sudden update, via Quentin Hardy!  Hedgehog Central!!


  1. I learned something today about hedgehogs, which our local pet store sometimes offers for pets. They're amazing little animals.

    Fun prompt.

  2. I once ripped the lid off the hedgehog showing industry - it was epic:

  3. As I transported two 4 year olds to the spring festival rehearsal we talked about the things we were seeing--birds flying, men in hard hats with yellow and blue trucks, a backhoe loader on a flatbed, a police car, a chipmunk (nope, a squirrel that ran through the hedge), therefore hedgehogs... I'd forgotten how much fun it is to have that running conversation with kids buckled in their carseats.

  4. that hedgehog is so cute! i cant stop looking and saying how cute it is!what are the names of the hedgehogs?PLEASE ANSWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AND I AM IN 4TH GRADE I LOVE HEDGEHOGS AND I WANT LEARN MORE ABOUT THEM!

  5. HH, here are the names I would give to the hedgehogs if they were mine:

    --the baby twins: Izanagi and Izanami
    --the puffy one: Madame Michel
    --the cute one at the bottom: Paloma

    I think they are very popular as pets!



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