
Saturday, April 9, 2011

Love Potion #9

It's Slattern Day in the blog, and I am celebrating with silliness.  Did you know Sandra Bullock was in this movie? And Anne Bancroft? Neither did I.  I didn't even know this was a movie. But now I am tempted to see if the public library has it--Love Potion #9.

Ah, it was released straight to video. And for you cat lovers, there's a cat in it, crucial to the plot.

The movie is inspired, of course, by the famous song, "Love Potion No. 9," recorded by The Clovers, and used on the soundtrack of American Graffiti.

I had the musical phrase in my head this morning, "da dada number nine," because the poem-a-day prompt is "the significance of the number nine," but I had forgotten the love potion part, a sad testament to my lack of morning slatternliness.

(I also folded some laundry.)

That sent me on an odd search leading inevitably to 1) the biblical significance of the number nine 2) the occult significance of the number nine (I did not click any of those links, too scared) and 3) The Beatles, "Revolution 9." 

(Do not read this blog entry backwards.)

And, math-challenged as I am, I do know of the mathematical significance of the number nine!

Have fun!


April 9 poem-a-day prompt:

significance of the number 9


  1. Oh, slightly embarrassed to admit that I've seen the movie not once but several times as it had a bit of a run on cable back in the day. I love Sandra Bullock in almost anything (except the creepy, psycho-thrillers, but that's not her fault, it's mine.)

    Happy Slattern Day! Wish I could join you but today, the paper grading wins. Sigh.

  2. Sandy, I love Sandra Bullock, too. She was the sidekick to the main character in this wonderful country music romance movie...! Title?!

    And I watch Miss Congeniality over and over.

  3. I've seen Love Potion #9! It's one of those classic (or regrettable, depending on your point of view) makeover movies, where the ugly girl removes her glasses (and in this case, I think the magic potion fixed her teeth, as well) and revealed she was fabulous and beautiful so the guy finally noticed her. When it's Sandra Bullock pretending to be hiddy, it's pretty ridiculous, but at least in this one, the guy has the same transformation from ugly duckling to swan once he takes the potion. The guy was her then-boyfriend (or maybe fiance?) Tate Donovan, who I don't find very attractive, but he has been engaged to both Sandy B. and Jennifer Aniston, so I guess he's done something right. In "Love Potion #9" both Tate and Sandra are scientists. But this is why she has thick glasses and an overbite and doesn't comb her hair. But the love potion fixes her hair and her teeth and apparently her vision, as well.

    I'm making fun, but I love romantic comedies and I love Sandra Bullock and the fantasy elements in a rom com are exactly what I used to write so I shouldn't complain.

  4. I really want to see this! Great post!

  5. The Thing Called Love, with River Phoenix and Dermot Mulroney. About a young song writer in Nashville. You're right. She was the sidekick. I saw it a couple of times. River Phoenix. Such a loss.

  6. Yes! Thank you. I loved that, and River Phoenix, too. We saw his brother in We Own the Night last night. He's an amazing actor, too, lets it all hang out, and lets himself be utterly vulnerable. And I liked Dermot Mulroney in that, too!

  7. Is the country singer movie "The Thing Called Love"? (It's the name of a Bonnie Raitt song. I also love Bonnie Raitt.)

  8. Synchronicity, Ron and Julie! Thank you both!

  9. Oh, Lordy! All day I had the kiddie song "Nine Planets in the Solar System" song stuck in my head. Finally banished it, but you have brought it right back. And of course there are only eight now, sigh.

  10. I have seen this movie, too--many years ago. It's silly, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. I am feeling slatternly today. I should go find a silly movie to watch :)

    I find Miss Congeniality quite entertaining. I also like Sandy in Demolition Man. I do!


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