
Sunday, April 3, 2011

Poetry Sunday

It's Poetry Sunday at my church! That's how we celebrate April, National Poetry Month.

What we do is follow our churchy routine but instead of a reflection (which is what we usually have instead of a sermon) we go up one by one, those who choose, and read a poem--a favorite poem by someone else, or a poem of our own.  There are several fine poets at church, including my mother!  Also, I've invited members of my poetry workshop to attend today, if they like, to listen or join in.

And this afternoon, the poetry workshop meets at my house to share poems and wine!! Yes, we are participating in the poem-a-day celebration of National Poetry Month by writing (or attempting) a poem a day.  I gave them 30 prompts in advance, and am doing them myself, sometimes combining my own prompt with one of the kazillion wonderful prompts out there at various poetry blogs. It's fun and inspiring.

I won't be posting my attempts here, but I'll post this poem, which is in today's church bulletin as our "gathering words" (I am very honored!) and also from my chapbook Living on the Earth.

Early Morning, River and Grasses

This is dawn in our own private Eden.
We have risen
from the soft grasses
as deer rise from their trusting sleep
and are gone.
Trees shine in the river
beside our bed
and take a pale fire from the morning sun.
The curve of the earth is visible.
Beside the wild slope, the farmer plants his ordered rows.
A dead branch hangs fragile and stricken
in the live oak.
Let us care for each other.
Let us care for this earth.


White Camellia with Vase is another wonderful painting by Jonathan Koch.

To participate in the Big Poetry Giveaway, go here (my post, where you can click other links to get to other giveaways!).


  1. a terrific poem.
    and i am impressed with your church.

  2. Beautiful poem, Kathleen. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Thanks, Nancy and Sandy!

    My church rocks. It welcomes everyone.

  4. Could you share those prompts? Even though I am late to the party in my usual late bloomer kind of way?

  5. I am curious about the prompts, too. This is lovely. Reminds me of Luci Shaw's poetry a bit.

  6. Yes, I liked it a lot too.

    Kim, while you're waiting for Kathleen, I'll mention Robert Lee Brewer's April challenge, which I like for it's wide rangingness. Not that I actually do them, but they intrigue me.

    Here's his blog:

  7. Thanks, Seana. Laura and Kim, check out the website in Seana's comment, or the poetry blogs in the blogroll at the right here in my blog, including Big Tent, The Rumpus, Put Words Together (Poetry Tow Truck), etc. Or Google National Poetry Month prompts. You will find the place just right for you.

    My prompts are somewhat goofy and brief, some nestled into material previously taught in an ongoing workshop. I've provided them to my class and an online writing workshop...and, if I think of it, I might provide a mini-prompt at the end of the rest of the blog entries in April. Hmmm....

  8. Oh oh oh oh.....

    That is a stunning poem, just gorgeous, Kathleen!! I'm adopting it as my anthem for the day.

  9. Thank you, Hannah. What a lovely thing to say!


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