
Sunday, May 15, 2011

Blue Monday on a Poetry Someday

My son moves back to Chicago today, to work over the summer and then resume his college education as a senior in the fall.  

My husband is taking him, as I won’t fit in the car with all the stuff, and I have a poetry workshop to teach this afternoon. 

So I am blue. But also so excited for him!
Some links today.  Here is a preview of the forthcoming Magnolia Journal posted in the One World Cafe at Her Circle Ezine.

You can hear several poems in advance of the issue, including my “Lazy Heart,” about the civil rights movement and the space program in the 1960s. It sounds a little scratchy, from a Skype call to Germany. (We also did an interview in that call, so I guess that’s forthcoming, too, and I hope it worked out!)

Here is a link to the Rose Hunter feature in Escape Into Life.  It has amazing art by Kirsty Whiten.  The poems make you think, the art makes you think, and the juxtaposition makes you think again.  That’s what I hope, anyway, when I match up art and poetry! 

Once again, if you deeply admire a poet you think is right for Escape Into Life, send me contact info for that poet & some links to the poet’s work online (or blog, or press) to Kathleen [at] escapeintolife [dot] com. Speaking of which, who can put me in touch with Jeanette Allee?!

(I do appreciate the effort it takes to nominate another poet. Sometimes it seems that many poets are eager to promote themselves, but that fewer poets take the time and effort to promote others, and/or to do the necessary reading! Other times, I see great generosity in this regard! The upcoming Jessy Randall feature comes from just such a nomination, for which I am very grateful!! Also grateful to Nic Sebastian, who uses this refer-a-poet method at Whale Sound, and who inspired me.)
In other news, it rained plenty, good for the grass, perennials, and new plantings.  And I have 4 gigantic bags of mulch to spread once it stops.  The hydrangea (from Solace reading!) is in the ground and thriving. Thank you again, Ellen Wade Beals, for the gorgeous flower. And her good news is a new review of her just-launched anthology, Solace in So Many Words!


  1. Enjoy your workshop today--I'll be thinking about poets to nominate, definitely!!

  2. I was wondering how Escape into Life found such wonderful poets - I will be considering nominations.


Go ahead and comment, and I will publish it after I get an email notification! Thanks!