
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Daily Practice

Some of us write every day, pursuing writing as a daily practice, as someone else might run in all weathers, or swim laps, or meditate, or pray. I think we all hope that, if we do it every day, we will get better at it! And/or that it becomes part of our existence, a "habit of being," as Flannery O'Connor put it.  Part of our healthy being in the world, as with any other kind of exercise or practice.

Hannah Stephenson writes poems every day (or every week day), inspired by images found online, posting the poems (and links to the images) at her blog, The Storialist. I've enjoyed this blog since I found it but had hesitated to approach her for a poetry feature at Escape Into Life, where I pair poems with art by artists already featured at the site, as she was already responding to visual images of various sorts!

But she said it would be all right to post her poems with different images, submitted a batch and here she is, Hannah Stephenson, paired with digital photo collages by Claudia Rogge, who arranges images choreographically and as mosaic.



  1. amazing work at Escape Into Life. i'm going to have to go back and linger more with each duet of word and image.

  2. I absolutely adore the art of the people in white. I keep finding the best stuff at your blog, Kathleen! I got my very own red-cape-in-the-forest picture, btw, and I LOVE it!! Now it needs a frame and wall space.

  3. Julie, I am thrilled to be sending you off to find/buy art! You are not the only one, either!

    Be sure to "like" the artists via Facebook, so they get praise and attention! The poets, too!

  4. These amazing pencil carvings are by Dalton Ghetti, who carves all kinds of cool things from pencil tips!

  5. Hannah's a wonderful poet. So lovely to see her work showcased at EIL.

  6. How very cool--both the poems and the images and the way they go together! Thanks for your work.

  7. Your post (and past posts) inspired my post this morning!

    Thanks for all the ways you inspire!

  8. Thanks so much, Kathleen. I love the images you chose--I love how they are a performance (I think poetry is a performance, too) of unity and disparity.

  9. Thanks, Hannah! Yes, I wanted to honor your daily performance, too, and side by side with someone doing her own thing, with order and beauty! I am amazed by it all!


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