
Monday, June 20, 2011

Dreaming in Couplets

Thunderstorm, no morning swim, heart a little broken by the morning dreams that got away.... So here's a dream poem from Broken Sonnets.

Dreaming in Couplets

I hang up the phone, the knife still in my hand.
I touch its serrated edge, leave behind

the bread for dinner.  I walk into the heat
of Miami, after the rain.  Ahead a tourist

bus rounds a curve under cypress trees.
No one cares, no one fears for me!

I must leap the swamp to reach the meadow.
Over the water, I remember how

to fly, the secret hidden for so long
I did not see the patterns of these wings

waiting in the grass.  All those who have gone
before me, I praise.  All those who have done

this blindly, with hope.  Here we are in the leaves
of grass again, flying toward our griefs.


  1. Beautiful and very dreamy. This sounds like a poem against fear...

  2. Beautifully written, Kathleen. The imagery is lush, the whole so lyrical. The concluding line is especially moving.

  3. Thanks, Maureen. Walt Whitman was there.

  4. great line breaks/couplet breaks. oh, those patterns of these wings, yes. why is it we are late to notice? fine fine ending.

  5. wow, that was one of the better poems I've read in a while. sweet movement thru it.

  6. Hoping it's a good "Oh," Dale!

  7. Kathleen- I came here by way of Dale. Lovely poem. So glad he introduced his readers to you. Gentleman, he is. :)

  8. Jayne, thank you so much. He IS a fine gentleman, isn't he? I am so touched.

  9. Ooooh! I feel the dream, the flying, the super-saturated Florida colors, the glare on the knife edge and the bus...

  10. Melancholic yet sweet. Beautiful. Thanks for sharing the write up and feel free to drop by me too,soon.

    Kee up the good work!

  11. Thanks so much, all of you, for reading and responding. I like this posting-of-poems adventure!

  12. Mmm, I left a comment a couple of days ago, I thought... perhaps it didn't take. Just to say how much I liked this, and that I came from Dale's.

  13. Hi, Lucy! Thank you so much. I had a comment from you the other day about Schrodinger's cat after the Little Red Hen entry, and it took just fine! Thank you for reading "Dreaming in Couplets" and for liking it!


Go ahead and comment, and I will publish it after I get an email notification! Thanks!