
Thursday, June 16, 2011

Make It So

Happy Captain Picard Day! No, really! June 16 is Captain Picard Day. And it might seem odd that a Kirk celebrates a Picard, is odd.

Learn more about Picard Day here, and see plenty of Picard-inspired art. To watch an excerpt on Youtube, go here.

Read Picard's bio, and see more sexy pix of him, here, at Memory Alpha. To remind yourself of the Picard imposter, go here, also at Memory Alpha. Yes, yes, "flirtatious with Dr. Crusher," yes!

Jean Luc was a perfect gentleman with me, in my poem "Note Found in a Hammock," from Selected Roles (first chapbook), which will also appear in the anthology Make It So, edited by Margaret Bashaar, due for release on...July 16.

Yes, it was originally scheduled for release today, Captain Picard Day, but literary projects very often have unavoidable delays. We can wait another month.

Meanwhile, remember to take your child to work on the starship today!

Or, return to the holodeck...


  1. Jean Luc loves hummus, by the way.

  2. Yes, yes, he does! With pine nuts. Wait! How do you know that? Was he on your holodeck?

  3. How do you know Jean Luc likes hummus, Kathy? ;-)

  4. I met him on the holodeck...after floating away from the hammock one starry, starry night.

  5. Today is also Bloomsday. Apparently, people are tweeting entire novels.

  6. Yes, I think I was invited to a Bloomsday event in Chicago! I'm sure they are having a wonderful time everywhere!!

  7. But can Picard get you a discount hotel room?

  8. Aw, just when the Star Trek Poetry contest is closed for judging! I could see writing a love poem. Not to JLP-- "Earl Grey, hot" just never did it for me. But I've got a thing for Locutus.


Go ahead and comment, and I will publish it after I get an email notification! Thanks!