
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Glass Menagerie

When I was a little girl, I started a glass collection, just like Laura's in The Glass Menagerie, by Tennessee Williams. I still have it, but, at the moment it is wrapped in tissue and tucked away in boxes. This is a glass menagerie that survived a house fire even though it was in the room where the fire started and the room that sustained the most damage.

It also survived the lifting, by a fire fighter, of the curio cabinet in which it was kept, when he moved it away from the fireplace wall and the brunt of the hoses. Not a piece was broken!

I mention this because of yesterday's mention of a building collapse, which has had numerous follow-up stories in the newspaper, including this one about a glassblower being spared his life, if not his glass or equipment, because it was just too hot to work that day! Whew!

Meanwhile, in water news, we were able to swim our laps this morning, in a calm pool, the area lawns and gardens also benefiting from a good soaking rain last night. The break-in at the pool was likely to have been young people, as "there was candy everywhere." They broke into the concession stand, stole cash, and tampered with but did not actually take the rescue equipment. Whew!


  1. Candy explosion? Strangely, I was not anywhere near the crime scene....

  2. Laughing, Hannah! If you like candy, you would have liked the parade at the Hudson 175 celebration last week!

  3. c'mon, people. don't trash things. i just don't get it.

  4. Can just see a trail of candy wrappers leading to the young offenders. :)


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