
Saturday, July 16, 2011

Put a Hedgehog In It

Or a frigate bird.

Truly, if you want hits on your blog, happen to write about hedgehogs. Better yet, put in a hedgehog image. Later, check your stats.

It's Saturday, or as I like to say here in the blog, Slattern Day. I try to be untidy if not downright lazy.

But my neighbor came over, engaged my husband in trimming the dead branches of another neighbor's tree (she's in a nursing home), and so I dragged a lot of branches to the front for city pickup.

There were those moments of concentration like prayer in which I willed the power saw to stay in the branch and away from my husband's fingers, and this worked.

It's possible I will be untidy in the kitchen soon, before the great predicted heat descends on us, baking chocolate and lemon cupcakes and cake layers for some kind of creative checkerboard of celebration. My husband turns 60, with all his fingers, on Monday. But we will celebrate whenever the cake gets baked.

Hmm, maybe I should put a hedgehog in it.


  1. Love the lightness here. Happy celebrating, whenever it takes place.

  2. Thanks, Sandy! Off to be a slattern...or the opposite of one.

  3. Thanks, Nancy. Lemon and chocolate layer cake is baked, and frosted, and husband is aware, but has not stuck his fingers in it yet. Cupcakes await the frosting and amount of the eater's choice.

  4. Hedgehogs are cuties. I love how they can roll up into balls.

    Have a happy celebration.

  5. I read adoption blogs, a holdover from my peculiar interest in adoption. Every once in a blue moon, a teenager (always male) will suggest to their parents to post a picture of said son looking handsome, so the parents get more hits. This has happened two or three times in, I dunno, twice as many years or less, I guess?

    Aww. Teenaged boys.

  6. I'm glad the incantation worked to keep hubby's fingers intact so he can celebrate another birthday with 10 digits.

  7. I wonder how many ways I can make my various blogs relate to hedgehogs? Hedgehog funds, hedgehogging your bets, borders and hedgehogs in your garden...the list is endless.

    Are you saying that people are just trolling around the internet hoping against hope that they will come across something new on hedgehogs? And do you really want these types on your blog?

    (Wonder if it would help anything if I changed my name to Hedgehog Graham. At least people wouldn't have to ask me how to pronounce it.)

    Happy birthday to your husband!

  8. So glad this wasn't a soup recipe! Blog stats are entertaining. I get the most hits on an ancient post about the spelling reminder rhyme for "Chicago"--"A chick in a car and the car won't go; that's the way to spell Chicago". Maybe we should put hedgehogs in the car with the chick...

  9. All I can say is, this new hedgehog post is performing like the last hedgehog post already.

  10. Watch out you don't become the girl who cried hedgehog!

  11. What in the world is the deal with hedgehogs? I get a ginormous amount of hits on a post about what to see in theater in B-N in August 2010. Yes, 2010. And that post still gets hits. Still. That blog post included info about Dr. Strangelove (the movie) and it's the only thing I can imagine with all the hits. So WHY do I keep getting hits on that post? A lot of them from strange sites in Russia?

    I have no idea. Maybe I will try a blog mentioning hedgehogs just to test your theory. But if we're all hedgehogging, maybe the magic won't work anymore.

  12. Little kids want them as pets, and do reports on them, etc.


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