
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Harvest Moon

I drove straight east into this last night, the full Harvest Moon!  I can show it to you thanks to Wikimedia, and you can read more about the Harvest Moon here, in Wikipedia, or here, in the Christian Science Monitor, which also has links to other fabulous pix, and encourages you to send in your own!

The corn harvest is in progress, and I've been having an amazing harvest of poems--18 in the last 6 days, which is a little scary. I confess this does happen to me: I get on a cycle like the moon, with a big burst of creativity as the moon reaches its full.

Now the urge to compose may wane, replaced by the ability to re-see, revise, rearrange, etc. Sometimes a poem falls out whole. Sometimes it needs to be slivered up!

How's that for a Fat Tuesday in the blog?!

Care for a slice of Moon Pie?


  1. Wasn't that an incredible moon? I'm glad to hear your writing is on its big, tide-pulling cycle.

  2. What a great streak of creativity!

  3. Thanks, Maureen. I take it as it comes.

  4. the moon has been the talk up here as well.

    i'd like to have whatever it is you are having- what a great streak you have going!


  5. We had a drop-dead gorgeous sunset last night too, nice windy dragon-puff clouds against the juiciest of skies.

    You must have been driving somewhere in the wee hours, if you were headed west towards the full moon. Maybe you were up all night writing poems? I hope so!

  6. Oh, lordy, no, I'm just directionally challenged. I was driving east straight into the gigantic full moon around 7:30 p.m. It's just that I had been facing south for too long before that...hard to explain. Will change!

  7. Wow, so glad you've been in a harvesting kind of way with the poems.

    As for that moon. I. am. so. jealous! It's just not the same in these hills of mine down here. The harvest moon is my all time favorite moon of the year.

  8. I guess there is some virtue in being flat...

  9. Beautiful moon image and I am so happy for you in your creative streak!


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