
Saturday, September 17, 2011


We got TP'd! Yes, we woke up this morning to find the three huge trees in the front yard dripping with toilet paper. It's spectacular. I'm tickled and of course want to leave it up for a while, or at least take pictures, but nobody else in the house seems as excited as I am, and one is calmly eating her scrambled eggs and arranging for a haircut and a boutonnière.

This is Tom Ford in a boutonnière, by Nicolas Genin (via Flickr and Wikimedia), not her date, but her date is a cutie, too.

This is also perfect for Slattern Day in the blog, being visibly untidy, but I suspect we will have to clean it up, and soon, as white streamers are hanging down into the street, and neighbors and drivers might get annoyed. I don't think it constitutes a driving hazard, however.

This is me and a friend and some Quilted Northern toilet paper ladies in a past Race for the Cure.


  1. I suppose these hoodlums (I say this with a fond smile) take the toilet paper out of their parents' closets.

    I am so staggered by the cost (and recent cost spike) of toilet paper that I would never waste it by throwing it in the trees.

    I think of my grandmother, who knew that she was of a better social class than my grandfather, because her family had proper outhouses with corn husks for wiping, whereas his family just went out into the woods and used leaves.

    And this time period was not so very long ago.

    Perhaps more info than anyone wanted, but I find it a fascinating nugget and want to preserve it!

  2. Oh, yes, Kristin, golden!

    I recycled the cardboard rolls...and I suppose the paper was actually still usable. And yet...

    It turned into a beautiful day here, and cleaning up turned into a golden opportunity to talk with some neighbors, too! And their pet pond frogs.

  3. The toilet paper ladies are adorable. :-)

  4. And what about me and D? Aren't we adorable?

  5. That's one of the important lessons parents must impart to teenagers. Buy the cheap TP if it won't be used for its original purpose! Economizing is so important. Oh, and I need you to sketch the fish. Thanks.

  6. We were frequently TP'd when we lived in Normal, for Jill's benefit. It was her job to clean it up before she could enjoy any other activity. In my youth it was to difficult to hang pages of the Sears catalog on to trees. So we never experienced such excitement.

  7. Oh, Ted, you are so funny. But wait! I wanted to order something from that page....


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