
Friday, September 30, 2011

I'll be in the graveyard for a week, doing the Evergreen Cemetery Discovery Walk, and I might be too tired to post here.  Sorry, and sorry also about any troubles you are encountering posting your comments here. I don't know the reason or the fix, but maybe it will fix itself?! Please keep trying.

Meanwhile, here's me, with my gigantic hat slipping off, as Martha Rice, a Southern sympathizer during the Civil War. Photo by Carlos T. Miranda, a Facebook friend I finally got to meet in person in the courtroom of the old courthouse, now the McLean County Museum of History!


  1. Sorry not to see Martha Rice and her dashing hat! I saw her in the cemetery yesterday and she was awesome.

    (Fingers crossed I can post.)

  2. Julie, you can click Martha's name to see her hat. It's a Pantagraph photo I don't have the rights to show....

  3. Yay!! Enjoy!!!

    You look great--love the costume.

  4. This cemetery walk is such a great idea for the month preceding Halloween. Have fun and nice hat.

  5. The askew hat makes her look jaunty. (Sorry to be dopey about links. D'oh! And I complain about people who do that exact thing, ask questions when the link is right there.)

  6. I saw the whole walk tonight--our dress rehearsal actor walk-around--and it's fantastic. I laughed, I cried.

  7. A toast to Martha and a toast to you!


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