
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Soylent Green

OK, this morning, doing some zombie research for a bad-poetry contest (sigh...), I came across Soylent Green Crackers. People food.

Made from plankton and spinach.

You can buy some here or here, if you really need to, but I hear they are in short supply. Good snack for a Halloween party?

Wikipedia tells me this food product came out in the summer of 2011 (that's this summer), and I vaguely remember hearing about it and thinking, "Who's going to eat that?"

That's still my question! Who is going to eat that? Did anybody? How did this product fare? How does it taste? Has anybody who reads this blog ever tasted it, bought it, found it on the shelves, etc.? (I am a pop culture...zombie...coming to trends late, perhaps resurrecting them in dreadful folly.)

Of course I did see the film Soylent Green when it came out. I did not read the book it was based on, Make Room! Make Room!, by Harry Harrison, in which there were "soylent steaks," not green wafers.

Gives me second thoughts about going green. But great for a Fat Tuesday in the blog. Recipes here.

P.S. Also already this morning, I redefined Zumba as a popular Zombie-based dance fitness craze that leaves you dead on your feet.


  1. People food - Ha! I remember seeing the movie WAY BACK. What a shock it was to find out what SG really was.

  2. I can't believe some company made hilarious.

    Zombie research is always helpful.

  3. I tend to come to trends late, too.


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