
Sunday, October 16, 2011

The Big Year

Last night I saw the movie The Big Year with my good friend Kim Kimmel! (Afterwards we drank red wine beside her fire pit!)  It is a fabulous movie about friendship and birds!

As Kim Kimmel says, "It's a dick flick!" Meaning it's about male friendships.

We really enjoyed it. As the last movie we saw together was Bridesmaids, which some might call a "chick flick," I am glad we gave equal time to a "dick flick."

It stars Jack Black, Steve Martin, and Owen Wilson, and, despite that, is remarkably low key! It really is about birds and friendship!

All these guys are seeing as many birds as they can in one "big year," some on a lark (heh heh), and some as an important ego thing...and Jack Black even knows birds by their calls and songs!

If you want to acquire expertise in birdcalls, visit birdJam!

...previously, on Random Coinciday, So Many Crows...and various Pamela Callahan!...


  1. For those of you on Facebook, which isn't me, you can apparently play a game that Audubon is hosting called Birding the Net. You can see it at the top of the current page. I tried it but it took me Facebook and the page was temporarily down for maintenance. I bet they had too much demand.

  2. Dick flick about bird watching. Love it. Makes me wonder if Jonathan Franzen's love of birds may have inspired this dick flick.

    I don't know anything about the movie, but now I'm prompted to too look into it! ;)

  3. Seana, thanks for the tip. We have an active local Audubon group, and I have friends who know birds, so I've learned to spot a few!

    Jayne, it's a delightful movie, and it seems to be based on a real event.


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