
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Blank, Empty, and Perfect

I let Fat Tuesday go by me in the blog, mainly because I was out in its beauty, and so I'm doing catch-up on the Hump of the Week. The gorgeous full moon, a Hunter's Moon, should be up there again tonight, perhaps not behind so many clouds....

Yesterday I was out crunching through the golden leaves, walking, re-potting plants, and acquiring (free, and randomly, a walk-by wanna) some Hunter's Moon-shaped paving stones, now stacked on the front walk behind a mugo pine shrub. I will lay out a new walk for the mail carrier soon...ish. That is, this fall, or next spring, when the ground is moist and malleable for sinking them round the edge of my plants-that-won't-grow-that-are-being-gradually-replaced-by-plants-that-will-grow-in-dappled-shade, mainly hosta and wild yellow poppy, plus some columbine.

Today, I send you over to Escape Into Life, for the new poetry feature, Mather Schneider, with amazing street art by Cake. For more of Cake's art, here is her website.

I love these lines of Mather Schneider's, from the poem "Blank and Empty and Perfect":

Everything was blank, empty and
and it was my job
to keep it that way.

But nobody can, right, except maybe the Buddha?

For more Mather, here is his blog, and here is his new book. And here he is in Right Hand Pointing #44, the Regrets and Unnamed Monsters issue with a flying night carp.

It's all putting me in a Halloween mood.


  1. Love that last image, especially....

    In that "blank, empty, and perfect" moment I hear echoes of Porphyria's Lover and "perfect and good"---but that's a good thing (I think).

  2. It's amazing how well the images complement the poems at EIL.

  3. Until I looked closely--REAL closely--I'd have sworn those images were quilted. Yes, I spent today at a small quilt show, so maybe it's influenced me--but still, what intriguing images!

  4. They do seem to float there, don't they?

  5. This fall has been almost too beautiful. Something about knowing fall will be gone so soon makes it sweetly terrible.

    I want free paving stones! Waaaa!


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