
Monday, October 3, 2011

Cemetery Light

Wow, look at this eerie and wonderful photo of the cemetery light on Saturday, during the Voices from the Past Evergreen Cemetery Discovery Walk 2011.  It's taken by Dana Colcleasure, who took plenty more, all marvelous, and I've got to assume it's OK to share it here since 1) it's of me, 2) it's been shared all over Facebook, and 3) it turned up among my own Profile pix without me doing a thing.

I left it there. I've got to say I like this Facebook change that allows you to leave yourself tagged while removing a photo from your Profile. It seems impolite to have to untag yourself just to keep pictures out of your Profile if you didn't put them there yourself. You know what I mean? They still turn up, but now you can remove them. And now, if someone wants to tag/label me on her own page, she can!

Today I saw the blond squirrel again, and a little red one searched for acorns and various buried things around my big skirt while I waited for the next performance. If he'd gone under, I might have shooed him away, but instead he put his front paws on my skirt (stiffened by the crinolines underneath) and looked up at me, as if to ask, "You got any nuts under there?"

It's not easy to answer a question like that.


  1. Dana is a wonderful photographer. I asked her if I could post her photos on my Facebook page, and she said yes, so I assume it's also okay for them to go further into the world. She does wonderful things with light.

  2. Wonderful! You almost look like a chess piece...

  3. Did you feel like a ghost when it was happening?

  4. I didn't even know it was happening. The photo, I mean. I think my Martha Rice doesn't know she's a ghost....

  5. Nicely eerie photo. Bet your event was a big success.

  6. Thanks! It's ongoing. Field trips for school kids (all ages, plus senior professionals) during the week and general public next weekend. It's truly a great way for people to learn local history.

    And truly a workout for actors. 16 recitations per day on weekends and 24 per day on weekdays.

    Frosty in the early morning, 70s or (wed. & Thurs) 80 in the afternoon!

  7. Creepy and beautiful, Kathleen. I think you should always dress like can be your "thing."


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