
Friday, October 14, 2011

So Many Crows

There are indeed so many crows in my neighborhood, often convening in the backyard trees, but I refer today to a painting by Pamela Callahan, So Many Crows, seen here, and send you to her Otter Creek Arts announcement about the Fall Art Tour this weekend in Wisconsin.

Pamela has new work up at her Woman Made Gallery website, and many crows and watchers paintings, she says, at Brewery Pottery Studio, in Mineral Point, WI, during this Fall Art Tour.

Here in Illinois, the bright yellow tulip poplar leaves are covering the front lawn and bright yellow sweetgum leaves, the back, so my world is bright indeed. The maroon mini mums have opened. The air is sweet. I celebrate with Confetti Crow.

Ah, but as the leaves fall, the rejections begin to arrive in the 1 Year, 100 Rejections tally, begun, with Brett Elizabeth, on September 1. So far, I've sent out 18 packets of poems, had 5 rejections, and 1 acceptance. The acceptance has already been published, in IthacaLit.

The quick responses are from online magazines and projects. The more usual response time is 1-3 months or 3-6 months for print journals, or sometimes 1-6 weeks for online journals. Of course, there have been other rejections and acceptances during this time, but I'm talking the tally since September 1. I love these little projects, for the sense of community!

Now that the cemetery walk is over, my poetry workshop can meet again this Sunday, and I so look forward to that gathering! If it's warm again, we can keep the patio doors open and listen to the convening of crows in the background of our own convening. Here they are on a Field Day!

Ah, but this morning, the furnace came on again...

All too soon, we'll be in Antarctica.

Imaginary background music: "Antarctica" by The Weepies.


  1. Callahan's work is captivating, perhaps because of all the symbolism and meaning associated with crows.

  2. 100 rejections? That is an interesting goal -- so far, in 2011, I have had 21 rejections. That sounds a bit impressive until I say that I haven't been sending out submssions like I should.


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