
Thursday, November 17, 2011

Gather Ye Rosebuds

The rosebuds I gathered on Sunday while pruning the church garden have opened in a little bowl on my kitchen table, I am glad to say!

And I cut back the blooming mums at just the right time, too, the purple ones with yellow centers, as everything was nipped with frost again last night. So the mums are in a crystal vase, a wedding present nearly 22 years ago!

This painting, by John William Waterhouse, in the public domain, is titled Gather Ye Rosebuds While Ye May, a quotation from the poem by Robert Herrick about enjoying youth and beauty while you can.

Today, another "bright sunshiny day" but colder than yesterday, I celebrate ekphrasis (poetry in response to painting) in addition to this painting in response to a poem! Ekphrasis journal, which gave me the Ekphrasis Prize for my poem "Repose," has honored and delighted me again by now nominating it for a Pushcart Prize. I am so grateful to editors Laverne Frith and Carol Frith for this special attention to my poem. Thank you, thank you, thank you!


  1. Wahoo! Congrats on the nomination and the bloomtime!

  2. Congratulations! That's marvelous.

  3. Congrats, congrats, congrats! p.s. Always especially delighted when your name shows up on Maureen Doallas's Twitter feed!

  4. Thanks so much for all this good will!

  5. Terrific news, Kathleen. And to the virgins, make much of time!

  6. As Tony the Tiger would say "GREAT"!

  7. Well, YAY!!!!!! Will you be my personal deity?

  8. Yes, in a moment. I just finished reading the book Home, so I am busy weeping. But right after that.

  9. Confetti, Kathleen--and now I am wondering where in the world you are...


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