
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Pajamas or Pyjamas?

OK, do you wear "pajamas" or "pyjamas"? If you wear "pyjamas," you are "chiefly British," according to my American Heritage Dictionary. I love to look up words, and have looked up this one before, forgetting and then remembering that pajamas are loose-fitting Persian trousers, intended for sleeping or lounging. I wear mine to drive my daughter to school in the early, early morning.

While I did not see a windmill or a little person standing on the peak of a barn roof, as in this wonderful screenprint by Daniel Danger, the sky was this blue that early. Danger's art accompanies the new poetry feature just up at Escape Into Life: Bertha Rogers. I hope you will visit it to see more and to read her wonderful poems. Notice how she's a bit of a Chesire cat in her author photo!!

And I love that this one, in its title, hast thou slain the jabberwock?, references "Jabberwocky," by Lewis Carroll!

Have a good hump of the week!

(I don't think the Jabberwock is wearing pajamas.)


  1. My nephew, who is 5 and a half years old, would wear only pajamas, if allowed. I, too, love the comfort of flannel these days. Even though I'm a Brit Lit major from days of old, I wear pajamas, not pyjamas.

    Great poems and visual art at the "Escape into Life" site. I always love seeing how you match the visual art with the poem.

  2. Thanks, Kristin. I am tempted to show this one to my kids, because of the Modest Mouse covers, in case I would suddenly be cool.

  3. I 'heart' my pajamas in a serious way!

    Love the poetry and the art on EIL. You do such a great job!

  4. Thanks, Sandy! I tend to heart my pajamas till I wear them down to rags, and then I heart them some more in their new life.

  5. Great feature, Kathleen. The art always so well complements the words.

  6. I sleep sans jammies, but wear flannel jammy bottoms during the day when I don't have to go out. Does that count?

  7. So you wear jammies with your family wamily? That's family wamily jammily!! Add breakfast jam, and it's jamily family wamily jammily!!

  8. These are beautiful and a bit creepy....the perfect combination.

  9. I need new jammilies before I visit the family this month. Our preferred term is "P.J.s" even though no words were really abbreviated as far as I can tell.

  10. I shall have to go and see and read. Bertha Rogers has done some writing projects with our school--she is very energetic, and the last time I saw her had remarkable tri-color hair.

    It is amusing when something happens related to writing that seems cool to one's children. My biggest bump must have been when my daughter's favorite author (the late Diana Wynne Jones) blurbed one of my books. My cred shot right up. Of course, it doesn't last long.

  11. It's fun to hear from all of you on the PJ topic! Also, Hannah, now I desire some beautiful and creepy pajamas. And if I could photoshop, I'd be designing and displaying some pigeamas, or pajamas for pigeons. Another million dollar idea I have just now put out in the universe....


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