
Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Public Space

"We're number one!  We're number one!"  This morning, in addition to my ongoing job as poetry cheer-leader, I get to be a cheer-leader for my hometown.  Beautiful Uptown Normal--specifically its beautiful green space traffic circle, part of a major downtown renovation over the past several years--is #1 of the Top 100 public spaces in the U.S. and Canada, over at Smart Planet, via a "crowdsourced survey."  Close-up and distance shots of the circle at the link!

Meanwhile, the surreal "public space" with balloons you see here is art by Michal Giedrojc that accompanies the new poetry feature--Sherry O'Keefe--just up at Escape Into Life.  O'Keefe is a wildly busy editor as well as a poet, and I am glad to have bumped into her in the virtual world, where bumps are as light as balloon volleyball bumps!

And that should bump us on though the hump of this week!


  1. Well, congratulations Normal! Very pretty circle. And I love the artwork you included here. Will be checking it out further... ;)

  2. Really like O'Keefe's work... and the photography!

  3. Love the photos at EIL. I'm partial to the one of the feet.

  4. what a pleasure to experience these photos! i'm partial to the man in the field with the wicked tool. and the woman with the bird. thanks so much for featuring my poetry, kathleen. and thank you, maureen!


  5. I'm so glad you are happy with the feature, Sherry!

  6. Wonderful pairing, Kathleen, and selections from Sherry.


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