
Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Yes, there are a few fun-size Snickers bars left from Halloween, and of course I have to confess that because it is Fat Tuesday in the blog. If I end up fat, it's because too few trick-or-treaters found our tiny street.

But 1) we actually had a fine turnout this year! 2) the Lego kids came, along with various other adorable neighbor children; one was a carhop, and she brought not a bag but a tray! and 3) it's not good to blame trick-or-treaters or Snickers bars for my own lack of self-control when it comes to chocolate,  nougat, peanut, and caramel, as pointed out in this fine rant and factual article from Today I Found Out!  It tells us 1) the Snickers bar was named after a horse 2) the actual calorie count of a Snickers bar. And there's a recipe for Snickers pie.

It's November 1st, the start of National Novel Writing Month, so good luck to all those participating formally or informally by 1) writing a novel and/or 2) producing a certain word count per day toward a novel.  If you want to officially participate, you can go here, to NaNoWriMo, to sign up. In April, they do Script Frenzy, and they also have a writing program for young people.

I just read Superior Donuts, a play by Tracy Letts, in which novel writing features! What a wonderful play. It takes place in Chicago, specifically Uptown, and I lived just north of there and recognize all the references. Plus, an actress I knew way back originated the role of Randy, a police officer, in Chicago and on Broadway, so I am delighted for her. My folks saw this in its original Chicago production at Steppenwolf, and loved it.

Is there such a thing as a snickers donut?

**pause to find out**

Yes, of course. At Krispy Kreme.  Thanks to Yelp for the info and the photo. Yeah, Yelp, yeah, Krispy Kreme, thanks a lot.

**pause to inject selective memory erasure serum**


  1. Someone buys those Krispy Kreme snickers donuts?

    Robert Lee Brewer also has posted his November PAD Chapbook Challenge. Good luck to anyone participating!

  2. No trick-or-treaters here...candy nonetheless. I'm mildly horrified by the amount of candy corn I ate last month....the empty bags were what got me ("Oh, at one time these were all full of candy corn, which I have managed to destroy in mere days").


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