
Saturday, December 17, 2011

Hawaiian Papayas

Although it is Slattern Day in the blog, I do have chores to do, so I will be brief.

I want to get everything done in time to watch Rachel Feldman, local high school alum, in Illini volleyball, in Nationals, on ESPN-2, on my parents' big-screen tv, at 7:30 p.m., Central time.

That said, there is laundry to do, and there are cashews to buy for round 2 of Rolo turtles, the good-for-your-teeth, crescent-moon version. (I believe they are still working on that cashew-based toothpaste, so please content yourself with cashew butter, crescent-moon treats, and the nuts themselves. They are good for your teeth, if you don't crack your teeth on them, and if you floss.)

But what shall I blog about today?  "Sometimes--there are papayas--so quickly!" Thank you again, Jonathan Koch, for this newest painting, Hawaiian Papayas on Cloth. I know people are grousing about the cost of President Obama's family vacation to Hawaii, but I'm glad he gets to have one, and I hope he has a merry Christmas.

And thank you, Blanche DuBois, Tennessee Williams, and A Streetcar Named Desire.


  1. One of the most sensual papaya I've seen. I do love Koch's paintings.

  2. "Hawaiian Papayas" has a pleasing sound to it.

    Yum all around (except for cashew toothpaste).


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