
Saturday, December 31, 2011

Limbo Fire Dancing

The limbo days and random coincidii continue.

After I declared yesterday, a Friday, to be a Blue Monday in the blog, I found my poem "Blues" up at Blue Fifth Review in the Blue Five Notebook series: Short pieces by various writers, plus a fascinating set of diptychs (here, two-part poems) from The Ghost of Yesterday, by Susan Terris, followed by her process notes.

I love process notes, and I like how hers moves to this shared sentiment: "But isn't the poet often the last one to know what he or she is actually trying to discover or to write about?" She discovered something big, so go read it!

By chance, I'd recently read Ghost, by Gaylord Brewer, and reviewed it for Prick of the Spindle, so this was particularly eerie and moving for me in that way, too. Also, this holiday season I revisited The Muppet Christmas Carol for all my ghostly needs.

Thanks to Wikipedia and Two Wings for the limbo fire dance, and to Hannah Stephenson for suggesting that we dance the limbo!

Happy New Year's Eve!


  1. Wonderful poem, Kathleen. High Five on the publication & thanks for sharing. Loved Terris' work as well.

  2. funny to find your own poem out there off the leash of page like that. Thanks for pointing to Terris.

    and HNY!

  3. Thanks, you two! Smiling! Imagining us all limbo fire dancing, since I sense we might all 3 prefer it in our imaginations!

  4. I enjoyed yesterday all the pieces at Blue Fifth, though I singled yours out to tweet. I'm always fascinated by artists' and writers' process notes; sometimes the process notes are more interesting than whatever was created.

    Wishing you a lovely celebration as you see in the new year. And be sure to have someone snap you doing the limbo.

  5. Oh, thank you, Maureen! I will snap it in my mind. Or my mind might snap imagining it!


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