
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Love, Actually

Love continues. Joy and warmth. Plus the eating! I hope and trust that you are all safe, warm, and happy somewhere this week as the holiday season continues. We have light snow cover today for a White After Christmas. And last night we introduced my mom to the holiday film Love, Actually (which I must remember to return to the library today!). Very funny, everybody's in it, and, as I had predicted to myself, she laughed out loud at the English subtitles from the Portuguese!

And my good news is that I actually won the love poem contest at Adanna Journal! Sometimes I am happy and lucky enough to be a finalist in a contest, but twice in 2011 I was a winner. What a joy and surprise. Congrats to all the finalists and prizewinners, and I look forward to the issue and to meeting some Adanna poets in early March at a reading at the AWP Conference in Chicago. (See Events at right.)


  1. Congratulations on the Adanna win!

  2. Thanks, Maureen. It was a sweet surprise.

  3. Well. . . yayyyy!!!!!!! And two more poems among the finalists, as well. Congratulations!

  4. That's so awesome, Kathleen! Thrilled for you.

  5. Bravo! And the security word fits--Amorks!

  6. happy to hear you won! congrats!


  7. Congratulations Kathleen! I can't wait to read the poem--plus the other two they accepted!!! How lovely...:)

  8. Thanks to all for your joy and goodwill!

  9. Wow, congrats, on your achievement Kathleen, I wish there was more love spread around the world by publishing your poems in newspapers or magazines.
    I Felt a lot of love over Xmas though amongst my extended family, which makes me wonder why I don't have more family reunions more often in the year. As I miss my nephews who are staying at Utah university I gave them some cheap little Tracfones and a few phone cards for Xmas so that they could phone me more often. Being 48 and childless makes me miss the young blood and the fun exciting, energy the youngsters bring into your life.
    Are you going to do something special over Valentines day.
    I was just thinking that you could start a business of writing your poetry on beautiful covered cushions or sheets. What are your thoughts on this idea?

  10. dude, you won! congratulations. marvelous.

  11. Thanks, Sarah and Hester. Oooh, poetry on the sheets sounds wonderful!

  12. Congratulations! And I like Hester's idea.

  13. Dave, it might be a million-dollar idea, as we like to say around our house about all our great ideas! Then we go about our annoyingly non-lucrative business of poetry and art...and love and fun! But my husband has, actually, considered his art on sheets, so maybe we'd better get on this!! Hester, what's your business background?! Wooee!


Go ahead and comment, and I will publish it after I get an email notification! Thanks!