
Friday, December 9, 2011

Peeled Mandarin

I saw crates of clementines in the grocery store yesterday, and I'm thinking fondly of our Christmas tradition of tangerines in the toes of our stockings. But this is Peeled Mandarin, another lovely painting by Jonathan Koch, who is painting a virtual cornucopia! A fine fruit basket of beauty!

Coming up: a cornucopia of comforts by way of a reading/book signing event for Solace in So Many Words, edited by Ellen Wade Beals, this Sunday, December 11, 2-4 p.m., at Woman Made Gallery in Chicago. I am going up by Amtrak with members of my local poetry workshop!  We will bring food--maybe clementines!--and talk on the train, all the way there and back. And/or write!

And it's snowing! The first real snow, sticking to the ground. We had the first area snows a little while back, and the other day when I opened the door to toss a couple apple cores to the squirrels I stepped into a few flicks of snow, but this is the real thing!

Now I'll have the chorus of "Snow Angel" going in my head, from Tori Amos's Midwinter Graces, chasing away "Pink and Glitter." Or just chasing, maybe not away....

And my citrusy orange and yellow exotic angels are wildly in bloom! But, alas, the poinsettia is presumed dead.


  1. I want a wall of Jonathan Koch work. I gave his name to a the person handling art images for Every Day Poems. I'm hoping he'll agree to contribute some to go with the poetry there. He's a terrific painter.

    Have fun at the reading. Keep warm!

  2. I second the love of Jonathan Koch's paintings.

    Also, love Woman Made Gallery. Sounds like the reading and the traveling to and fro will be wonderful. (Jealous!)

  3. Oh, that sounds like so much fun! I have two novelist friends in the region, and we just got together for high tea and chat in Oneonta. I also have some painters I do lunch with--but the idea of having a whole bevy of poets is luxurious.

  4. I like the mental image of poets on the train.

  5. You had snow? We had a few flakes today, but nothing real....but one of my sweet students (who has never seen snow) did get very giddy, and yelled out, "Oh my gosh! It's SNOWING!!!!" It was very cute.

    And clementines, YES. I have to restrain myself.

  6. Thanks, all! Yes, we've done this "poet train" field trip a few times now. In summer, we walk over to Millennium Park and have lunch at the Park Grill and do a little writing, etc. Then make our way over to a reading. Woman Made is our destination as they have the Sunday afternoon readings!

    Yes, Hannah, but it was just a weensy bit of snow.


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