
Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Split Pomegranate

If you mistype "pomegranate," you can end up with "poemgranate," so Split Poemgranate was almost the title of today's blog entry, which would have been about something altogether different, you can bet. Instead, I offer you Split Pomegranate, another example of the fine art of Jonathan Koch.

Perhaps you must have it for yourself or would give it as a Christmas gift...!

Today at Escape Into Life, you can see the Pushcart Prize Nominations in the EIL Blog, along with art by Yuri Ogawa Terazaki. Let us be compassionate and honorable as we remember Pearl Harbor Day, and all that came before and after it.


  1. I love Koch's work, and the pomegranate is especially wonderful.

    How wonderful re EIL and Pushcart nominations!

  2. Ok, in honor of your Coincidays....

    We had a pomegranate last night, and I had pomegranate yogurt this morning. Yum.

  3. Thanks, Maureen, and I agree! Yay, Hannah, it's a Random Split Pomegranate Coinciday!

  4. Or even a poemgrenade, which is very different from a poemgranite, though each is an excellent thing :-)

  5. Well, Dale, now my head is exploding with small bits of granite and shiny red seeds!

  6. Wow, what a lovely work of art that Split Pomegranate. Makes me want to run right out to the store and eat one up while reading a lovely book next to a nice fire.

  7. That's one erotic looking piece of fruit!


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