
Sunday, January 8, 2012

Heaven and Hell

Well, it's Sunday, so today's long walk will be to church and back, where I may or may not ponder Heaven and Hell. (We reflect on a wide variety of things at my particular church but seldom that.)

But I invite you to ponder Heaven and Hell via these poems, compiled by poet and poetry editor John Guzlowski, in the new issue of The Scream Online. John asked me (at Facebook!) to help spread the word, so I hope it's OK to do this way, including the photo by Richard Beban, also a poet!

First up in this issue is Kirstin Berkey-Abbott's wonderful poem "Heaven on Earth," which begins, "I saw Jesus at the bowling alley, / slinging nothing but gutter balls." There's a link to Garrison Keillor reading the poem for The Writer's Almanac, and Beban's photo on that page includes chocolate, or, as it reads in French, chocolat! Now you're tempted, yes?!

This afternoon, my poetry workshop starts up again, with red wine and new assignments. I was tickled by the coincidence that Richard Beban and his wife Kaaren Kitchell also teach workshops in their home! Kitchell is also represented in Heaven and Hell, with the stunning poem "Blue Town" and the glorious gift of "Gift."

Later this month, I start teaching a couple of classes in ekphrasis, or poetry in response to painting, at the McLean County Arts Center. Yes, the new year begins! Heaven on earth, in bowling alley or art gallery, living  room or kitchen, church or hiking trail. And, speaking of hiking in Illinois, let's save Starved Rock. And, speaking of heaven on earth, take a look at the slide show of photos by M.A. Rauf here, in the blog synch-ro-niz-ing.


  1. Great collection! Thanks for the link!

  2. Thank you for bringing "Heaven & Hell" to our attention, Kathleen. There are some extraordinary poems in the collection; Kitchell's are incredibly moving.

    I follow Ruth's blog and watched the video late last night. I was especially taken with Rauf's portraits of women, so full of tenderness.

  3. Thanks, Maureen. I'm so glad to have alerted you to the Heaven and Hell issue. And I love to visit synch-ro-niz-ing--I always feel peaceful and inspired.


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