
Monday, January 23, 2012

In Praise, Again

The last couple blog entries have been in praise of The Sun magazine and of the wisdom of people around me, and here's some more of that, and more praise for the fine writer Joe Wilkins, whose work I first found in The Sun! While I know him as a poet, the current (January) issue has his beautiful essay, "Bruised," in it. You can read an excerpt here.

Here is his poetry feature (with scary art) at Escape Into Life, and here is my mini-review of his new book Killing the Murnion Dogs. You can find the book here, at Black Lawrence Press, or here, at Powell's. (I'm sure you can find it elsewhere, too!)

And this (not scary) art brings back a couple of familiar birds, from Pamela Callahan.

No sun here today, and thunder and lightning last night!


  1. I may have figured out how to make sure the comments work for everyone. I hope everyone will let me know! (Kim J Kimmel, this means you!)

  2. Commenting now! Can you tell me how to fix my blog, too. (You are officially no longer Technologically Challenged!!)

  3. Love the birds. And yes, the blog seems to be working well again.

  4. I finally subscribed the "The Sun." Your shout-out to it was the last push I needed.

  5. Thanks, Seana! Yay, Robert! The Sun is ad-free & publishes what it wants!

  6. Commenting on my blog works again, thanks to your technological savvy! The February Sun arrived yesterday at our house. So it was a great day all around.

  7. Yippee, Kim Kimmel. Maybe my February Sun will arrive today in the mail, if the mail arrives at all. Yesterday it didn't....


Go ahead and comment, and I will publish it after I get an email notification! Thanks!