
Saturday, January 14, 2012

Scatterbrained Hathead

Why is my hair so flat these days? Why is my brain so scattered? Answer: it got cold, I'm wearing a hat all the time, but hats don't actually hold together the thoughts in your brain, and it's the new year, with lots of new starts and necessary organizing. I'm doing all the to-do lists, the housecleaning, the class preparations, the 2012 submissions, etc. I'm getting a lot done. It does not help.

My brain is scattered, it's disappearing in a mist, and it's growing green fuzz.

Oh, thank you, Jonathan Koch, for this Study of an Oak Tree, on a Slattern Day in the blog.


  1. Koch's "Oak Tree" is wonderful! Thank you for sharing the image.

    Have a great weekend!

  2. I always wear my hat. There's a hidden pocket. But alas, no equipment can unscatter my brain.

  3. Thanks for stopping by, you two. Oh, I want a pocket in my hat! What a great idea!

  4. Is your brain fuzz on the north side of the tree? My brain seems more like a neglected aquarium this week--same fuzz, different hum.

    1. Directionally challenged. I will listen for the hum....


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