
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Where's the Mail?

Remember that wonderful Wendy's commercial starring Clara Peller coming round to the refrain, "Where's the beef?" Well, if you are too young to remember it, it's all over youtube and here at Wikipedia. Or clickable here at Retro Screamers Flashbacks.

Anyhoo, our wonderful mail carrier retired at the end of the year. Yes, his last day on the route was Saturday, December 31, 2011, New Year's Eve, and I got to hug him goodbye by the mailbox. Since I do a lot of walking, in good weather, my path intersected with his often, and I sometimes long to be a mail carrier...but that's another story. A fantasy story.

As I was anyhooing, on Monday, January 2, 2012, I put out the mail as usual, via yellow plastic clothespin, and it was never picked up. Nor did any mail arrive! Where's the mail?

Was Monday a holiday, too? Is the new mail carrier not yet in place? Have the troubles with the post office arrived (not arrived) at my own front door? In good faith, I have put the mail out again today and hope it will be a fine Fat Tuesday in the mailbox, with late Christmas cards, the usual bills, and the usual junk.

We'll see!

Meanwhile, also in a kind of Fat Tuesday celebration, I point you to Hunger All Inside, a chapbook of poems by Marie Gauthier, reviewed by Susan Jo Russell at Fiddler Crab Review!


  1. Ah, I should have made this a Cranky Doodle Day, too, but peace and goodwill lingers on! And joy.

  2. Fear not! And crank not! It WAS a holiday!

  3. where i grew up- remote montana setting- the mail lady came three times a week. i'd wake up and ask, is today a mail day? the walk to the mailbox was yes yes....two miles uphills both ways. i had that dream of being the next mail lady- she drove something like 160 miles a day delivering the mail to a handful of rural mailboxes. you and i could share the job, that way when our car got stuck, one of us could push. what fun, huh!


  4. Hee Hee, Kathleen. I am conditioned to hear the mail drop into the box by the door between 3 and 4 every afternoon. Yesterday, it didn't happen and it didn't happen and in the back of my mind I was cussing the USPS...around 5:00 p.m. I realized it was the holiday day for New Year's and there would be no mail. All of this makes me laugh even harder when I remember that very few things come in the mail these days.

  5. Oh, Sherry, I would love to be a remote Montana mail carrier with you!

    And, Sandy, yes! I love and depend on the mail, but, alas, it brings so little good stuff nowadays. Sigh... But it might!

  6. We could deliver Montana mail AND sit up in the National Forest fire tower... I've got a cuddly-snuggie-huggle-comfy-thingee if it's cold!

  7. Two in a snuggie sounds delightful!


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